Prepared Senate Floor Statement by Sen. Chuck Grassley
of Iowa
Nomination of Eric Garcetti to be Ambassador to India
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
like to express my strong opposition to the nomination of Eric Garcetti to be
Ambassador to the Republic of India.
compelled to vote against Mayor Garcetti due to the serious allegations that he
enabled sexual harassment and racism to run rampant in the Los Angeles Mayor’s
pressed the FBI and DHS for more transparency
and accountability on their handling of sexual misconduct in the workplace. Moving
into next Congress, Senator Durbin and I’ve agreed to jointly pursue these
respect to Mayor Garcetti, several credible whistleblowers approached my office
about concerning allegations that he was aware of and enabled his deputy chief
of staff, Rick Jacobs, to sexually harass several employees within the mayor’s
office. These men and women alleged that Rick Jacobs engaged in inappropriate
physical contact without their consent. They alleged that Rick Jacobs made
crude sexual remarks and gestures towards staff and others. They alleged that he made blatantly racist
remarks towards Asians and other minorities.
allegations have also been publicly reported by the Los Angeles Times. Text
messages made public by the Los Angeles Times indicate that these incidents
were common knowledge among Garcetti’s staff. One picture that’s been made
public shows Jacobs inappropriately touching an individual next to him. In the picture, Mayor Garcetti is standing on
the other side of Jacobs. For Mayor
Garcetti to claim he didn’t know what was going on defies reason.
also a pending lawsuit by a Los Angeles Police officer against the City of Los
Angeles as a result of this type of disgraceful behavior. The kinds of behavior
mentioned in the lawsuit include Jacobs subjecting the police officer to
unwanted hugs, shoulder massages and crude sexual language.
total, my office identified over 19 individuals who’ve either witnessed Jacobs’
behavior or were the victims of it. So
who are these brave and courageous individuals who made these allegations? Are they
Republican operatives? No. They’re his former Communications Director, senior
staffers, junior staffers, businessmen, civic leaders, and a Los Angeles Police
Department officer assigned to protect him.
attempts by Mayor Garcetti and the Biden Administration to frame complaints
against him as a political hit job, some of the individuals who’ve come forward
and shed light on the misconduct are from Mayor Garcetti’s own staff.
hypocritical is it for this Administration to encourage victims of sexual
harassment to speak out yet when they do so against a powerful ally of Joe
Biden, they’re ignored. And they’ve been ignored in this matter even after providing
evidence of harassment including photographs and text messages. When
convenient, Democrats have supported claims of harassment with far less.
last week, President Biden signed into law a bill sponsored by Senator Gillibrand
that I co-sponsored which enables survivors to speak out about workplace sexual
assault and harassment. Continuing to
push this nominee after signing that bill into law is the very definition of
tone deafness. Unfortunately, the Biden Administration is sending a message to
victims of sexual harassment in the workplace that they’ll only be believed
when politically convenient. As a result, the Biden Administration and all
those who support this nomination have no credibility when it comes to
protecting victims of sexual harassment.
conducted a
investigation of the allegations irrespective of partisan politics. The
evidence is clear that Jacobs engaged in blatant sexual misconduct and racist
behavior for years. The evidence is
clear that Mayor Garcetti either had direct knowledge of it or chose willful
ignorance as a defense.
is that brazen to engage in this type of outrageous behavior against other
people unless they know that they have a powerful enabler protecting them. Based on the facts and the evidence, that
enabler is Mayor Eric Garcetti.
defend himself, Mayor Garcetti has pointed to a report which inconceivably purports
to clear Jacobs of any wrongdoing. The report was conducted by a law firm hired
and paid for by the city of Los Angeles. Mayor Garcetti and the city of Los
Angeles would be liable if the report concluded sexual harassment
occurred. The report was also delivered
to the city of Los Angeles under Attorney Client privilege, apparently in the
hope that no one outside the city would ever see it.
report failed to interview multiple first hand witnesses. The interviews weren’t taken under penalty of
perjury. The report focused exclusively
on allegations of sexual harassment made by the Los Angeles Police Department officer
and failed to give due weight to other witnesses. For example, the report
includes an interview with Jacobs in which he admits to using racist language,
kissing, hugging, and squeezing people’s shoulders. The report also identifies the
individual in the lewd photo I mentioned earlier. The report says that the
individual stated that Jacob’s actions weren’t funny and embarrassed that
person. That makes it clear nonconsensual physical contact occurred. It’s evidence that sexual harassment
occurred. Oddly, the report makes no
attempt to reconcile how it can conclude there was no sexual harassment after
clearly describing sexual harassment throughout.
aren’t acts of transparency. These are
acts to sweep this whole matter under the rug.
Mayor Garcetti may be indifferent to the allegations and the actions of his deputy
Chief of Staff, my colleagues and I have a duty to take such concerning
allegations seriously. Whether here in the United States or abroad, there’s no
place for sexual misconduct or racism. Mayor Garcetti had countless
opportunities over the years to stand up for victims by removing his deputy
Chief of Staff, but he failed to do so.
fundamental failures make Mayor Garcetti incompatible with the office that he
seeks. Therefore, I can’t in good
conscience vote for him. I strongly
encourage my colleagues to review the evidence found in my investigative
report, as well as in the press. The
facts and the evidence compel me to vote no, and I hope my colleagues will join
me in doing the same.